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Recently I haven't really been playing games much, but I still like them and they're pretty fun. My favorite game is League of Legends, but I'm getting tired of it. I feel like that's justified since I have played so much of it. My first game that I ever played was Serious Sam and it was my dad who showed me it. My main game after that was Team Fortress 2. On steam I have 2000 hours in it, but a lot of that is time spent away from the computer with the game on because you would get random item drops for playing. I just left TF2 on while at school to collect them. Finally, I started League of Legends after the TF2 arc and it's been the best game ever since. Lastly, my favorite single player game right now is Rimworld by far. It's a space colony simulator game and I like to take fictional characters from whatever media I'm consuming at the time and put them in my world and see what happens. I have 300 hours in the game and I haven't beaten it, but I have all the DLC and use mods which makes it harder.

League of Legends

There's no real way to know the total time you've spent playing League of Legends. There's a lot of time spent waiting to find a match, then there's the draft where you ban and pick characters. Overall the pre-game accounts for around 10 minutes of every game you play. Then there's the match which can take anywhere from 15 to 50 minutes. It's not really a convenient game to play because if you leave for even 5 minutes, you set your team back by quite a bit. When I first started playing, I played around 2000 normal games with my friends and by myself. Let's assume that the average game time is 20 minutes (very generous) and the champ select was 5 minutes. The math comes out to (25 minutes * 2000 games) / 60 minutes = 833 hours. That's a very low estimate and only accounts for a short period of time of early high school. Once I started grinding ranked, I played even more. All my free time in high school was pretty much just playing this game.

You might think I regret not doing anything else during this time, but not really. I had a good social life because I knew a lot of people in band. That also meant I had a lot of extracurricular activities between concerts, football games, and basketball games. League also helped me blow off steam and I never got angry in real life because I was channeling all my rage into the game. I did not care about any drama and didn't get into any trouble because I was lazer focused on getting my rank up. My peak rank was Plat 1 before they added Emerald. That probably doesn't mean anything to you, but it basically means I could beat any casual player easily.

If you don't know anything about League then go to the next game. I'm going to talk about my experience playing the game and it will probably be impossible to understand for someone who hasn't played the game. If you do want to read it, there are 3 lanes and 5 roles. Top goes top lane alone, mid goes middle lane alone, adc and support go bot lane, and the jungler goes jungle.

I started the game as a top laner. I would say top is the easiest role to learn the game on, even easier than support. Top you can do a lot of learning of what works and what doesn't. Plus you get experience getting kills and farming creeps. Support is easy I guess, but you don't learn a lot of the fundamentals on that role. Plus if you're bad, you ruin the game for the other guy in the bot lane that you're supporting. My main characters were Jax and Dr. Mundo. Back then the most overpowered character was Darius. How the times have changed. Eventually I moved on to ADC, the carry role in the bot lane. I liked laning with other people and being the sole reason for winning or losing the game. Back then, ADC was the role that could carry the most out of everyone. I stuck with ADC until recently where I'm still playing ADC, but I mix it up with some jungle too. I was stuck in silver playing Jinx for 6 years. One day when I came home from college I played top again and ended up getting gold. I road that momentum up to platinum, but playing adc. Now I'm stuck in platinum, but I'm pretty much done with grinding out ranked. If I'm feeling especially mentally ill I might queue up 12 games in a row, but that requires a mental breakdown.